Psychotherapy is a form of psychological treatment.
It aims to bring about changes in a person's attitudes, behaviours and ways of thinking or reacting in order to enable them to feel better, find answers to their questions, solve problems, make choices and understand themselves better.
For more information, consult the “When to consult” page on the Ordre's website.
In Quebec, a permit is required to practice psychotherapy. It can be a psychologist's permit, a physician's permit or a psychotherapist's permit.
According to the law
Psychotherapy is defined as
“A psychological treatment for a mental disorder, behavioural disturbance or any other problem causing psychological suffering or distress that aims to promote significant changes in the client's cognitive, emotional or behavioural functioning, interpersonal system, personality or state of health. This treatment goes beyond help in coping with current difficulties or a counselling or support report.”
There are other interventions that come close to psychotherapy but are not psychotherapy:
Support meetings
Marital and family support intervention
Psychological education
Clinical follow-up
Crisis intervention
My main clinical training is of psychodynamic psychoanalytic orientation. However, I use diffrent ideas and ways of intervention from various approaches in psychology, depending on the specific characteristics of the person consulting and their situation. This approach is called “integrative”. For more information on the different schools of thought or theoretical orientations to psychotherapy consult the ''Theoretical orientations'' page on the Ordre's website.